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Ban Chủ Nhiệm
Ban Chủ Nhiệm

As a hiring manager of graduates, I review a lot of CVs and cover letters and conduct interviews all the time. Every day, I see so many examples of “what not to do” in applications that I feel compelled to compile my young person’s guide of 20 tips to get that all-important first job and foot in the door.

I find it’s not a problem of not having the technical skills or a good degree, nor is the issue that they do not understand how to apply for a job, which is what most career guidance books, articles and advisors focus on. Rather the issue is that a lot don’t seem to have honed their soft skills, which are invaluable in getting any job. So for now I do not wish to focus on what a CV, cover letter or LinkedIn profile should look like or where graduates should look to find jobs and get their names out there – although these is of course also important. Instead, I would like to focus on the characteristics that I would like to see more of from applicants in the job application procedure:

1. Be professional! Always be professional when applying for a job. Make sure you use the right tone in all your e-mails and conversations over the course of the job application procedure.

2. Be surprising! Don’t bore hiring managers with long cover letters and standard CVs. Never use the same cover letter and CV for every job application.

3. Be genuine! Show some of your personality in your application. Make yourself memorable.

4. Be accurate! Pay attention to detail. Spelling, grammar mistakes and omissions will make you seem careless.

5. Be desirable! Never sound desperate, no matter how much you want that job.

6. Be knowledgeable! Show that you have done your research about the company and the role. Make sure you have done this research well and that you really understand what it’s about. This should be a given, but it is surprising how many times applicants don’t really make the effort.

7. Be humble! Never be boastful. Don’s use cheesy lines such as: “Hiring me is the best decision your company will have ever made!” Having a good amount of confidence is healthy, but this is just off-putting.

8. Be friendly! Be positive! You are ten times more likely to get the job if you are likeable.

9. Be an expert! Understand the skills and knowledge the role requires and demonstrate how you have or can develop these. Use examples.

10. Be interested! Show why you want this job and how it fits into your future career plans.

11. Be reasonable! Make sure your expectations are realistic. For example know the average salary being offered in the industry with your skills and experience level.

12. Be super-charged! Show enthusiasm and energy.

13. Be brave! Never give the interviewer the feeling that you are afraid, even if you are.

14. Be honest! Never lie in the job application process. It will catch-up with you.

15. Be to the point! Keep it brief, but make the most of every interview question.

16. Be prepared! Nowadays interviewers like to ask candidates unusual questions. Make sure you have a strategy to answer them, when they come your way.

17. Be resilient! Never give-up! Finding a job is a process for which you need practice. Try, try and try again until you succeed.

18. Be realistic! Your first job will probably not be your dream job. See it as a stepping stone and get out of it as many transferable skills as possible.

19. Be active! Whatever you do, do not spend precious months on the couch waiting for the perfect opportunity. Some experience of any kind is always better than none.

20. Be open! Be adaptable! It could very well be that you realise that you actually don’t like the job you thought you really wanted. It could even be that you really enjoy the job you took just to get your foot in the door. Sometimes life can be surprising. Be open to it and kind to yourself.

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